We only work with traditional high-quality material that has the proper certificates and approvals. We strictly follow the Building Law Act and we pay close attention to detail, as the safety and comfort of our customers are our highest priorities.
Construction investments entail major costs, while people who look for a house or apartment are frequently afraid of investing their own savings in the project itself. Therefore, our work is scheduled in stages, and your payments are only made after the particular stages have been completed. Moreover, we have a bank commitment according to which the customer buys the property free of mortgage or any other loans.
Our company has been active in the construction industry for the past 20 years. We have completed our projects mostly in Krakow: we have been responsible for the construction of multi-family housing estates, as well as single-family mansions, in various parts of the city. This tells our customers that we are a reliable developer and we complete our investments on a truly high level.